Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Goats are Better Than Government Workers

Ha!  I love this!
According to a June 2010 report on the use of goats,  it costs an annual $5,300 to employ government workers to clear the brush and $1,995 to “employ” goats. Also, clearing the brush took 1 week when government workers did the job, but the goats did it in just 3 days. The use of goats is also more environmentally friendly:
“Unlike bulldozers, used historically for the annual project, goats control brush and weeds without disturbing the grass and soil. They also do not pollute or leave synthetic chemicals that could run off into lakes and streams …”
This is good news for private goat contractors like Ranchito Tivo Boer Goats .
Maybe I should start a goat business?


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